Monday, September 17, 2012

Another Project

I really need to stop doing this. In my defense, I've had this idea for a long time. Perhaps as long as Cloud Shapes... Anyway, the point of this is that I have begun writing yet another fic. Cloud Shapes will come first in my priorities, but this may or may not come second. It is a fic for a manga called Skip Beat.

The story will explore the possibility of Kyoko (with all her demons unleashed) never leaving Sho. It is so fun to write so far~! I'm trying to keep it even slightly in line with the canon storyline, with a few giant differences. It might split off continuity, though... I don't really have this fic planned out XD It is so fun to write, though! The dynamic between Sho and Kyoko is volatile and strange. I love it!

Recently, I have gotten back into manga and anime, including Skip Beat, obviously, so you might be seeing a few one shots from me soon. Probably from my favorite, Fruits Basket! ^^ I love it! It is su~per specta~~~cular!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Shutting up now, before I sound like a total weirdo XD Exhaustion is a part of my vocabulary. Lately, I seem to be tired everytime I do one of these...

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Chapter

I have officially finished the first chapter. It is 2,255 I lied, it is 2,172 words long. I'm not sure whether that is a good amount or not. It's longer than Cloud Shapes is currently. I'm still having issues with a title. I've considered Constellations, Shooting Stars, Stars, Cloud Spotting, even Cloud Shapes and giving my other story a different title. If you have any ideas or think one of these sounds good, feel free to comment (I have it set up so that I think anyone can).

...Yeah, that is about it. Since moving, a few plans have changed from the last outline, so it goes even deeper and darker than I thought. They have the best parties here. I know it sounds random, but that is how some of my outlines have changed XD Then again, maybe my old place had fantastic parties too, I just never got invited and am so much more well liked here... Eh, either way. I am pretty well liked here, so that's nice. Really nice.

So, I am going to stop writing and do more tomorrow today, when I am more coherent XD