Monday, September 3, 2012

First Chapter

I have officially finished the first chapter. It is 2,255 I lied, it is 2,172 words long. I'm not sure whether that is a good amount or not. It's longer than Cloud Shapes is currently. I'm still having issues with a title. I've considered Constellations, Shooting Stars, Stars, Cloud Spotting, even Cloud Shapes and giving my other story a different title. If you have any ideas or think one of these sounds good, feel free to comment (I have it set up so that I think anyone can).

...Yeah, that is about it. Since moving, a few plans have changed from the last outline, so it goes even deeper and darker than I thought. They have the best parties here. I know it sounds random, but that is how some of my outlines have changed XD Then again, maybe my old place had fantastic parties too, I just never got invited and am so much more well liked here... Eh, either way. I am pretty well liked here, so that's nice. Really nice.

So, I am going to stop writing and do more tomorrow today, when I am more coherent XD


  1. Write a paragraph that describes your story. Narrow it down to one sentence. Now one word. If that word does not flow well or feel right look at similar ways to describe that word.
    This is how I usually get a title when I'm really stuck.

  2. Thanks Anonymous! I hadn't thought of that =] That is a huge help =) Thanks
